This is a non-commercial page with references to experiences, writers, philosophers, reflections on the past and current events, which have shaped me in their scope and in whose findings I am happy to pass on the summary today.

Without a doubt, this includes my conclusions from Nietzsche's, Aristotle's and Schopenhauer's transcripts, as well as my questions about the ability to believe in something religious or to question many things too critically as a person with a materialistic worldview.

Be my companion on this path of confrontation. I will not give you any general answers to your questions. Because in addition to my conclusions, there will be a lot of food for thought and even more question marks. I invite you to actively deal with yourself, with your environment and with me. You are cordially invited to read on these pages, think about the contents, discuss them openly, argue productively and practice constructive criticism, in mutual respect and observance of the ethical principles of our Western world and within the framework of the fundamental rights of each individual.

So you are very welcome!

Yours, J(ott)
"After all, all the orders of man are arranged for the fact that life is not felt in a continual dispersion of thoughts."

(Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

"Nietzsche, who thinks to the end, smashes everything: God, morality, truth. Existence is meaningless. But it is precisely this insight that can be affirmed. In order to create meaning in the midst of meaninglessness: as a creatively active human being."

(In a TV documentary)